Saturday, January 27, 2007
I decided to revive my blog and shall try my very best to update it as often as*blows dust* I just realised that my last entry is really,I would not be updating faithfully BUT if you are a faithful reader of my blog(good for you), updates will either be on Friday or Saturday.I know I would not update it faithfully on weekdays.Its like a sucidal attempt for,I doubt I made sense back along.
FLAG-DAY TODAY! Ignore the oh-so-enthusiastic tone.I m actually not very enthusiastic about,Singaporeans are really to the extreme.Dont get what I m saying?Sit back and read on.First of all,there is this type of Singaporeans which are REALLY genuine in donating into that samll pathetic tin.Its ' like just you just have to stand there and stone and next thing you know,you get people tapping on your shoulder,wanting to slot their coins into the tin.I love such next type of Singaporeans are the idiots who have extremly poor acting skills.Seriously.Before you can even approach them with that tin,they pretend not to see you.If you approach them with the tin,they pretend not to hear you.Like wow.If you can ignore our voice and appearence,I suppose you can ignore the rest of things around you.In other words,I doubt youo would need your eyes and ears.Cause our eyes and ears are given to us to hear and see things.So,my point to such people is that the least you could do is to refuse politely instead of denying us.
Next thing to note is that BanGs are the worst kind ever.Not that I m prejudice against them or what but seriosuly,they are the worst kind of people ever to approach for donation.I wonder if their hearts are soot black as their outer appearence.It seems to be.Initially I didnt want to make any racist comment nor have any racist thoughts BUT after getting RUDE and flat refusal for making a donation,that s' it.My conclusion is that BanGs are the worst kind ever.They are horrible,with a capital H.9 out of 10 just either ignore you,glare at you or worst,talked at the top of their voices just to drown your voice.Like what crap is that.However,despite majority of them being black hearted,there are minority that are really generous to donate.I thank these people.I guess that pretty much summed up my flag-day experience.
Saint Andrews s' POP.Hmmm.It was okay.Its just a lil disorganize and some imbeciles that were seated behind me just somehow refuse to shut their trap.Annoying idiots to the society.One thing to note,Saint Andrew s' location is so so NOT driver friendly.We,being Weelyn,Audrey and myself ended up at Saint Andrew s' Junior College instead of secondary cause secondary is like located so in where it is not easily found.That was the first hands on incident.The second one was when Audrey called a cab and the driver could not find the place,being the speaking bout cabs,always trust the female instinct.Male instincts are useless like something random
I realised that I missed out quite a fair bit bout Camp CORRI but I m lazy to actually say it,I guessed it just too aunt just came over and she was telling us horror stories of China.Not the ghost form but the form of people.Like how the airport security is able to bash people up if they do not follow the procedures.Gosh.How violent and uncivilized.Hearing it was like oh my mum is eagerly waiting for her Korean realised that I need to get my CNY clothes shopping done.Fast.Just to make the paragraph longer(lol),I kinda of missed school on friday cause of some lame reason being that I
Lesson of the day: Weelyn Oh,You owe both of us,being Audrey and me big for your generous treat((:
5:30 AM
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Hello all.Sorry for not updating.My usual style for updating is always on either friday nights or saturday
Moving along, the TP visit was quite an m more intrested in business school though.haha.and the free cookies were to Ikea after that and,being the muddled headed me,I thought I was lost and I was quite glad that I came like at the later was smart to predict that being on early was simply just plain perhaprs you can call that
I feel like slapping myself.Rain is like at Indoor Stadium performing while I am sittting here typing out this entry.Argh.Camp Corri tomorrow and I m not looking forward to it.Its the last camp and yet its' gonna be boring.I think. mood to blog.I lost the bloggin touch.
3:15 AM
Saturday, January 13, 2007
To add on to this post,I ,AMANDA KHOO GEK LING,GOT LOST ON THE WAY TO SCHOOL.I M SO NOT LYING/JOKING.Its the worst day ever man.Getting lost in tampines.Its like what next? and to start off with the beautiful year,I was already LATE three times for school.Say WOW.
Just reached from Weelyn s' BBQ apologise for not updating my blog for a long
while.Been quite busy with all the homework and stuffs and such.So let s' get on with
Phototaking yesterday.It is strange that I actually did not bother to tidy up my hair like what I have been doing for the past three' more,this is my GRADUATING photo.Coloured and m starting to believe that I m fated to stand with the most undesirable people.Sorry if I sound mean but like I m a very desirable person but still.Having four years of class phototaking and standing beside people like them,I really got to say that my position and height are cursed.SO man.Take yesterday for example,formal I stand beside
See Mun.Fine,I accept that.HOWEVER,I most certainly DID not expect myself to be suay enough to stand beside
Boon Khee during my FIRST and LAST fun shot.Goodness,its like kill me man.I wanted to give that face that Audrey hates but I love during the formal photot but on second thought,I really do not wish to embarrass myself in the the scary thing and the reason why I so dont fancy standing beside See Mun is the fact that she shakes the whole table and that scares me ALOT.I was practically screaming my head off before the camera clicked.Common question for phototaking: Hows' my hair? no like seriously,hows' my hair? I have no comments.
New year ,new sitting partner.Tsang is the new sitting partner.and yes,I got the MOST undesirable position of the year.The table that is right smacked infront of the teachers' table.Its not that bad actually.I mean,infact,its SO SO much better than sitting at the back.I find myself becoming more attentive in class.Not that I m not but is my filler.I should try some ways to get rid of it.In the meantime,also hone my time management skill.I m wondering if I have made the right choice by retaking the A.math test.After what Jingyin told me,I m beginning to reconsider if I should retake the test.Argh.Annoying.
Thrid week of school and I feel like dying.HELP me.And just to let you people know,I m still very much attracted to Barbie.thank you(: lol.OH wells,I should continue with my Joy Luck Club reading.I can hear it calling me.Sheesh shall use the word "sheesh" to replace the twit sign "HAISH".lol.
7:39 AM
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Its the 6th of yes,I did not go for the m not all that dissapointed but I believe a chance will come by soon some other then,I shall just wallow in self pity and do my A.math questions.HAHAHA.For this post,I would like to clarify some stuff and proabaly hope things will go better after it?I dont know.
First of all, whats with everyone being so melancholy in their entries? I mean,no offence but is life really that bad and sucky for you people? I know I m feel like that sometimes but think,life cannot proceed on if you cannot let things go and move on.Life would be so much more enjoyable if people actually take things in their strides.It may be a simple policy but to put it in action,it would be quite difficult.However,there s' always space for this thing called trying.If you do not try,you would not know how it feels like.So, to all those people out there who is feeling depressed or gloomy, please try to take things in your stride.Its not worth tying yourselves down with so many excess baggages.Learn to let them go and you would find yourself feeling much lighter than before (:
Secondly, here a sincere apology to the seniors.I know words does not count so I guess we,as in the juniors would try our best to amend our actions next time.And as for band practice yesterday, I have not much comments on it but the entry Audrey wrote yesterday addressing the band, certainly did evoke some guitly feelings in those who shall not say anything bout the entry yea.Sorry if this sounded like heck-craish but its just yea.
Moving on..... to something more light
Here s' something that I find it hilarious.Its says in a magazine " Whoever says he s' bringing Sexy back, Sexy had never left".LOL.Its like as if the word"SEXY' had been dont know if that sentence was to make fun of Justin Timberlake but its hilarious and kinda of true too.LOL.I think the magazine that had this thing in it is 8
I m reading my old blog entries.I cant' believe I was some stupid crappy emo kid in sec entries were seriously m trying some baking tomorrow.Pray that I do not burn the stuff.I was just looking through my playlist in my computer and this is what I found out.After Beyonce s' Irreplaceble, is the PCD s' I dont need a man.Its pretty ironic Cause Beyonce s' song is actually about finding another man to replace the guy that had been cheating on some girl while PCD s' one was about being
This entry had been so pointless.
3:58 AM
Friday, January 05, 2007
TGIF.Thank God Its Friday.LOL.Seriously,school had been so tiring and hectic.Homeworks,constant naggings about O levels and all that crap.Plus today was Sec1 Orientation.Screw that big time.I thank god its' my final year for both school and band.I m seriously so tired and drained.Its ' only week one of school and yet I m dreading it already.Gosh,save me.Its the month of January but I feel like as if its' the month of May.Thats' how bad it is.
First of all,FIRST day of school.Nothing much happen.Just that as sec4s,I feel weird walking round the school with 3/4 of it being were erm,no comments.I got the best seat ever.That seat that was right smack infront of the teachers' table.WOWness.Teachers were mostly the same except for PE.Other than that,I guess nothing much really
Second day.I really took Gen s' advice and PAID attention to every single lesson no matter how boring it is.I never felt this motivated before.I dont know what is it that made me so motivated but yea.I should continue doing starts flooding from this day
Third day.Which is today.was seriosuly no comments.Lessons were funny but the after school activites were bleah.I m just guilty after reading Audrey s' blog.Ok,not guilty but ashamed or bad.ARGH.I dont just a negative feeling and I have no adjective at the moment to describe that feeling now.I just listened to gens' dedication on the radio.And what she said bout Sir is really heart-warming.Though I m not THAT close to Sir,as in not to the extent that I would miss him as much as the seniors do cause he barely taught,I could still hear how much respect gen have for him just by hearing what she said on the radio.Pardon me for saying this but those people who always have those words like I miss sir or whasoever,they are the ones that are hypocritical.Cause I dont think we have the right to say those words given the fact that he had not really taught yea.
SIGH.That Himalays pile of homework never seems to end.Its just gets higher day by day.Its just so argh.I should seriosuly do something about it now.Time s' running out.
6:00 AM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
CHATTER CHATTER.LOL.HAPPY NEW YEAR.Bit late but heck.hahaha.School s' starting tomorrow.and I m rushing through my work.hahah.
New Years' eve was funny.hahha.Read cllum s' blog for more updates bout it.hahha.
Things to take note for next year countdown.
NEVER,I repeat NEVER let Audrey drink sprite.She gets really HIGH after a few gulps of,I m not interested in dustbins.And also,either book or rent a hotel room.Cabs are just annoying cause it took freaking long for one taxi to chaffeur me home.haha.
Ok,thats' about it.Will have more exciting posts on Saturday.AHHH.sec 4 great.RIGHT.
5:13 AM