Tuesday, October 31, 2006
AHHHH.SICK.irritating.I HAVE A WHOPPING HOT FEVER.lol.I dont know how high but yea.LOL.BUT,I know its WHOPPING hot.hahas.OH WELLS.Did not atend band today.Cause of my FLU.ahhh.Should not have even go school for lessons.I was practically dying cause of the flu.My brain was all whozzy and fuzzy.Cant' even think clearly.The bloody digits seems like words that say"REST".lol.It was THAT terrible.Nearly died during the test.Cabbed home after the lesson.Cause I think I would prolly faint if I would to attend CCA today.hahas.
A.math lesson yesterday was NO better.Kinda of boring but most TEDIOUS.gosh.I felt like as though A.math was like the worst subject ever yesterday.hahas.After lesson,GYMED.HIGHLIGHT OF YESTERDAY: EUNICE GEE/YEO WENT INTO THE GENTS.HAHA.oh gosh la.Its' like dont know what got into her.hahas.Probably stressed.lol.OH WELLS,I shall go take my medicine and rest now.WHOOPING FEVER,SHOOO!
3:50 AM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Apparently, the picture I had of nick wheeler is too small to be uploaded here for you people to see his cute face.lol.For those who do not know who he is,he is the guitarist from AAR(the all american rejects).I would not have known his name if not for audrey,who told me.lol.Anyhoos,NICK WHEELER IS CUTE.LOL.he looks like some innocent lil boy.ahhhh.see the cuteness?lol.I m getting obessed with AAR.Their songs grows on you.and I mean it.I was youtubing their videos and I like their old album songs.Think I m going to buy it.hahas.Ok,I m just here to annouce how CUTE nick wheeler is.lol.so I m done with that.lol.
7:19 AM
Friday, October 27, 2006
OH MY GOSH.I SO GOT TO SAY THIS.THE PRESTIGE ROCKS.THAT SHOW IS ABSOLUTELY FAB-TA-BTULOUS.The plot is AWESOME.Cause the show creates lots of suspense and plot twists.I like the starting.Its started with the ending.lol.and HUGH JACKMAN IS SO HOT HOT HOT! AH! I like him of cause of this show.lol.HE IS SERIOUSLY CHARMING.hahas.He can fight with johnny depp.lol.Oh,and there was this scene in the movie that made me laughed like mad.It was when the little boy started crying after the magician smashed the bird.HAHA.ok,may be you people should watch it to know what I m talking bout.lol.but PRESTIGE is COOL.lol.HUGH JACKMAN IS HOT IN THIS SHOW.HE S' THE REASON WHY YOU PEOPLE SHOULD WATCH THE PRESTIGE.other than the plot and all.lol.but yea.hahas.SIGH.I think I need to study hard.My results arent' that good.Its'like only okay.Cause I kinda of passed everything which I m thankful for that but I made up my mind and set strong determination to see only As and Bs in the coming days.I really NEED to focus on Os' next year.Starting revision now is the best.I m going to do my revision TWO times harder than EOY revision.By hook or by crook,I NEED to know ALL my sec3 topics by the tip of my finger.In other word,setting my foundations right.lol.OH WELL.HELLO STUDYING AND GOODBYE LUXURIOUS LIFE(: lol.STUDY is MY bestest FRIEND ever.Its' not my nemesis.lol.THINK of HUGH JACKMAN.lol.Oh,he showed his SIX packs in the movie.LOL.Another day whizzed passed again.I just came back from dinner with patient wang.Out the whole day.Bloody tired now.shall end it off.lol.YAWNS.
6:59 AM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
SIGH.report books BAD,BAD.LOL.ok,that was just plain kidding.hahas.I m kinda of pleased though.given the fact that I PASS every single thing.lol.with SUPER high C5s.Cause my grades are all HIGH C5s with 2 C6s.and those C5s are like just a MEER lost of 1 mark to a B4! pissifying.SUPER.lol.Bright side is that I got promoted to sec 4E.And my main goal is to DO well for Os'.I see dark days ahead.LOL.And for ego purposes,I cant help but to say it out.I GOT 3RD IN CLASS.HAHAS.I have never gotten THAT high before.lol.K,thats' one thing I m estatic about.lol.I m going to say a LONG thank-you prayer tonight before I hit the sack.lol.HAIS.I just realised that today is my last day for being a sec3.It ended quite pleasantly though.lol.Next years' gonna be tough.I better start planning.lol.WELL,off to check timings for tomorrow movie.PRESTIGE<3
6:54 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Ok,I m real bad to skip school today.But hey,I really cant' stand it.Besides,tomorrow is the last day of school.and I have a reason for skipping today.Result of Ice mocha mixed with Yakult leads to VOMITTING.yea.lol.So anyway,I was browsing through my exam scripts and I realised ALOT of careless mistakes which caused me a MASSIVE or MEER lost to As.INCENSED.yes.and serious.OH wells.PROMISE to myself. NOT TO BE SO CARELESS!!.
Wonder how did the day went.Its' kinda of weird.To actually sharing your own phone with your sister.Cause its' like everything there s' a vibration,both of us would wonder " Whose message is that for?" Irritating right? super.lol.OH well,goodness knows who been reading my blog but I cant' be bothered much.Might be leaving it stagnant for later life.lol.
4:37 AM
Monday, October 23, 2006
YESTERDAY was ny so called doom s' day.lol.Most fortunately,I survived.HAHA.I m actually kinda of pleased with my results.cause I saw a couple of B4s and high C5s.Minority of C6s.lol.But I do not know the final grades yet.sigh.Got back all the subject scripts yesterday.Kinda of deproved for this time round for A.math and BIO.lol.Since I m like super free and doing nothing on a BRIGHT hari raya,I shall go into detailed about my marks.( I m not ashamed of them (:)ENGLISH-PAPER 1 was horrible.A scrape pass.Paper 2 was GOOD.improved by slight bit.overall,IMPROVED by ALOT.cause the overall grade this time round is B4!yay.Mids was a C6.GRINGRINS(:CHINESE- MAINTAINED MY STANDARD.Still a C6.lol.sorry patient wang.for not being able to get a C5.I promised I will work hard and achieved a B4 for my Os'.(:
LITERATURE- I LOVE MACBETH(: LOL.serious.I m super proud of my set text marks.cause I did not study and I managed to score 17/25 for my set text component.GRINGRINS(: Unseen component was badly done but I managed to score a pass of 13/25.Overall grade: B4.a low one.BUT improved.Mids was a C6 or C5.GRINGRINS(:
SOCIAL STUDIES- ONE WORD.FABULOUS.LOL.I SO LOVE DIPLOMACY AND DETERRENCE NOW(:.HAHA. I thought I would fail my SS but my section B pulled my marks up.I got 20/25 for section B,10/25 for section.YEP,failed section A caused I spent toomuch time on B and did my SBQ in a rush.BUT,it proved it worth while.lol.Grade for ss: B4.
GEOGRAPHY ELECTIVE- I PASSED WITH MY COMMON SENSE(:lol.serious.Once again,my section B pulled me up.I scored 20/25 for that.and section A wqas badly done thanks to MAPWORK.urgh.lol.Grade for geog: high C6.Improved from mids.Mids was an E8.lol.
COMBINED HUMANS- Overall grade is C5.Improved.Mids was a SUPER low C6.lol.
E.MATHS- I IMPROVED!LOL! I ACED MY PAPER1.haha.as compared to mids.Paper 2 was a lucky just pass.Grade for E.maths: C5.a high one.lols. Improved.Mids was an F9 or E8.
A.maths.-Passed BUT deproved.LIKE MAD.I did so MUCH better in MID year.than final year.Grade for A.math: C6.DEPROVED:(. Mids was a B4!argh.I deproved by 7 marks.argh.
PHYSICS- YAYNESS! I PASSED MY PHYSICS EXAM FOR THE FIRST TIME(: and I m serious.I have never passed any physics exam.I got 16.5/3o.lol.Grade for physics: C5.YAY! Improved.Mids was an E8.lol.
BIOLOGY- FAILED LIKE MAD.lol.got 11/28.HAHA.I did not reallt study bio so yea.BUT.I passed my bio in mid year.so I deproved this time round.ARGH.its;THANKS to bio that my combined science failed.argh.Irritaing.Aznah cant' teach.And BIO is the ONLY bloody subject O failed for this EXAM.ARGH.Bio teachers like Aznah should just die.
COMBINED SCIENCE- FAILED.I dont know what grade.but standard was mainted.lol.I failed combined science in Mid year anyway.lol.and that was cause of physics.ARGH.looks like I m not destined to pass science.hahas.OH wells.
Well,my grades are kinda of balanced.lol.2 B4, 2C5 ,2C6 and 1 E8.lol.BUT,with such grades,HOW TO GO JC? Looks like I can kissed my dream of going JC goodbye.HAIS.I MUST/WILL/NEED to WORK EXTREMELY HARD for O level next year.Even if it were to TAKE the daylight out of me and make me look like a ghost,I still MUST/WIIL/NEED to DO it.Cause my grades are seriously slipping.ALL I HOPE now is that I m able to promote to sec 4.serious.This is all I could ask for.SIGH.
Received a new piece to try out for band yesterday.ROCKIN IN THE SIXITES.and the main instrument featured is none other than the majestice trumpet.yes.LUCKY us.To make it worse,this coming thursday is wear what you like day.GOSH.i think i will end up wearing school uniform please.I mean,I dont even know my class theme and the smartest thing to wear is obviously school unifrom right.At least it saves me from being look like a dork or a walking fashion disaster.lol.
Oh well, guess this had been one LONG entry.I m off to sleep.Kinda of tired.lol.
10:19 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
[EDIT/]This is a letter to someone.Though she does not read blogs,at least I hope this could make me feel better.Its ' clear who your choice is.YES,you hate me for making you do things against your will.But,I like I said certain things cant'be shared.Till now,I dont blame ness for the cause of things today.It has been you all this while.I realised it on the day of the shooting.I was upset about the tuitorial sheducle.I cried.Yet you did not do anything.Have your conscience been eaten by the stray dogs you met away?Or has it been drown in a pit of bitterness?You did not even ask why.You only pretended to be normal.You might probably think,let her cry,its s' dumb.She was never there when I crIed.so why should I be there for her? But stop to think,its' true that recent times I have not been there but why cant' you think of the past times? I found out the messages you sent to her.I was speechless by it.Cause I never knew I was THAT mean and bad in your eyes.I did not know I was such a shameless slut in your eyes.Ever since you wrote that letter, I kept thinking,what did I do to make myself look so EVIL in your eyes?I seriously dont know.Then came sunday.I send you that message.You told ness on tuesday that you think I am severing ties with you.Initially yes, cause I know i was nothing in your eyes now.Just a shameless.despicable slut who deserts her friends.You blame me for making you choose.Said that you did want to lose both.Yet you did nothing when I sent you that message.All these whiles,you wre bias against me.Judge me through tinted glasses cause of the minor incidents which caused you terrible harm.Those messages you sent to ness about this incident was piercing.You made it sound as though it was my fault for all these.Blame others but not yourself.TWO years of friendship and its' gone like this.With just a mesasge.You seem contented wiht the results.But I m' not.You bear to let go of this two years of friendahsip? Have you ever stop to think what went wrong.Bet you didnt.You were only caring bbout yourself.Only nice to those who were nice to you.When someone incurred your wrath just once,you judged them and give them a life sentence of guilt.I think I m' more or less done with this.Its' teribble to keep it bottle up.That was a perfect example of a fallen friendship.How once clsoe friends turn inot cold bitter enemies now.Whatever I do now,you will always think I m just using you.I m at my wits' end of convincing you.I m tired of this.[EDIT/]Ok,monday is dooms' day for me.Cause I think I will be getting back most of my results on monday.SIGH.I better pray tonight.lol.Since I m about to die tomorrow.let me draft out my will.AMANDA S' WILL99% OF CONCENTRATION TO MY STUDIES1% OF CONCENTRATION TO BAND PLUS FRIENDS.(LOLS)99% OF WEALTH TO ME1% OF WEALTH STILL TO ME.In case of unfortunate event or lucky event,this will shall remain like this and should not be changed without my permission.thank you.lol.OH,I did a little editing to my template.Is it nice? give comments on it.thanks.by the way,I think I m shifting again.My blog seems lifeless.hahas.Before dooms' day arrive,I think I shall go play maggiemarket games to relieve the tension.hahas.Its' really okay le.I m starting to get bored of it le.DANG.lol.
10:53 PM
Sorry for not updating.been quite lazy this while.hahas will be changing my fonts and giving a new look to my template.haha.and yesterday was the SLACKIEST day ever for school.lol.My class spent the WHOLE day in com lab 1 playing HK cafe.lol.everyone was so addicted to it that no one wanted to open the door for those that went out.haha.Com lab 1 havefficially become our 3/5 cybercafe.lol.with everyone playing HK cafe and scolding the people.lol.Thursday had shooting.I m a failure in shooting.haha.First TWO times,my card was CLEAN like anything.haha.THEN i PROGRESS to shooting CLOSE to bulls' eye.haha.Overall,IT WAS FUN.lol.ok,I m going to do my template now and play HK cafe byeee(:sorry for the short entry.
1:14 AM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
OH GOSH.Did major shopping after so long on friday.which was yesterday.and it was friday the 13.did not realised it until today.haha.Since I m rather free,I should blog a lil on today and yesterday.haha.Today was AWESOME.lol.went for cell group meeting today for the FRIST time.and it was GREAT.lol.really had lots of fun and learn a VALUABLE lesson.I find it meaningful cause it relates to my life.haha.the lesson was about trying.lol.and of course,I got to know many people too.haha.Met audrey in the morning and had my brunch.lol.school was erm,boring.haha.
I m lazy to blog about friday.hahas.shall just say what I bought.lol.ONE top from RED2.really PRETTY brown top.lol.and I saw this LOVELY GREEN dress from FOREVER 21.its so WOW.i FELL IN LOVE WITH IT.HAHA.GONNA STARVE FOR THAT DRESS.haha.Its' REALLY pretty.lol.AHHH.GREEN DRESS, i m gonna get you(: and I m going to get lots of accessories from FOREVER 21 too.lol.and I need SKIRTS.lol.AHHH,desperate for MONEY(:lol.
5:00 AM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
GRINGRINS(: ITS FINALLY THE LAST DAY OF THE OH SO LOVELY EXAMS(: HAHA.ONE WORD.JUBILANT.haha.but I wont be jubilant when those pesky report books are OUT.lol.Those past few paapers were seriously just crap.HAHA.I think I screwed my A.maths badly this time round.AHH WELL.THE bloody paper was DIFFICULT.LOL.PHYSICS/BIOLOGY was okay.Just hope I m able to scrape a pass.lol.The MCQ paper was just crap.hahas.GEOGRAPHY,well, I wrote intelligent crap that was from my common sense.lol.Thats' about it for EXAMS.I cant' believe the year is ending soon.hais.This year had indeed been an evenful one for me.lol.After exams, went to Plaza Singapura to catch WORLD TRADE CENTRE.HELL SAD.lol.SERIOUS.The way those people were being sacrificed or rather died cause of the unfortunate circumstances were seriously disturbing and depressing.lol.Went home after the movie and here I am back.lolAHH.CCA is STARTING on monday.AHHH.I M SO DEAD.LOL.I have been lazing or STUDYING and cant' practice my instrument.lol.ok,right.That was a bad excuse.VERY bad excuse.lol.AHH,HECK.I shall relax and PLAY first.hahas.I got a feeling that MONDAY is dooms DAY.lol.ok,I cant' think of anything to blog.hahas.GOING OUT TO SHOP(: HAHA.
5:16 AM
Friday, October 06, 2006
YESYES.Yours truly is finally back after one week of disappearence.thanks to my oh-so-wonderful exams.lol.To tell the honest truth,I feel that I did not really study much for it.and I m rather scared for my papers.Let me do a recap of what paper is done.ENGLISH- screwed up paper 1 so I m expecting a slight pass.Paper 2.One word.DIFFICULT.dang.CHINESE-sure fail.no need to say.lolSOCIAL STUDIES- also sure fail.Screwed up the whole SBQ plus part of SEQ.WOW-ness.LITERATURE- hopeless.I see no light in passing.E.MATH 1- maybe a pass?E.MATH 2- one word.FAIL.SEE?practically every exam papaer I took was screwed up.wow.OH WELL.these sudjects are O-V-E-R.Shall concentrate on the upcoming ones.lol.I think I need those auspicious stuff for me.hahas.OH WELL.my week have been rather erm,boring.lol.Cause I just come home after exam and eat sleep study.and guess what?I think I m getting the weelyn disease.OBSESSION WITH BEDS.lol.I been having this thinking of coming home after every paper just to sleep in my bed.lol.Its kinda of like implanted in me.DANG.hahas.AHH.I think exam in hall was duper cool plus fun.lol.ok,that was random.I have to get this off my back.I know you are someone who does not read blog cause your computer died.But fret not, I will be saying out here and writing a letter to you.I m sorry for what happen during the e.math exam day and I knw your impression of me as a friend came crashing down after that incident.But think,if you realise, our distance friendship is becoming more and more unfathomable each day.Its becoming more like a scattered piece of unsloved jigsaw puzzle.I really dont know what is on your mind.Its like,talking to you now makes it seems so difficult.I know its kinda of mean to blame an intruder but I cant' help but to take that possibilty into consideration.You claim I was your bestest(if there is such a word) friend once,but it seems like that honoured title had been to gone to someone else.or has it been shared? There are certain things that can be shared but to such things, I dont enjoy sharing.yes,I m selfish when it comes to such things.If you think she could be my replacement,then I wish you well.and if you think I m not what you used to think of me.I just hope that my replacement would be much better than me.I wish the best if you see this friendship have no hope in becoming what it use to be.However,I wont forget the times we use to spent and those encouraging words we use to perserver and solve our problems.Its' been nice knowing that I was crowned your bestest friend once.The new crown would be much better than the old one.Like they say,it takes two hands to clap.I think I know where my faults lie but I just dont know how to get to her.Neither does she knows how to get to me.lol.Its seems more like she s' giving it up now.for REAL.sigh.and to audrey and gen: RAIN IS FOREVER INTACT IN MY HEART.LOL.WADE ROBSON IS JUST A PASSING PHRASE.HAHA(: I WILL LOVE RAIN FOREVER(:
4:51 AM