Saturday, August 26, 2006
Oh man, I just found out something really embarrasing from my childhood.hahas.I FOUND OUT THAT I ONCE GOT LOST AT PARKWAY PARADE.yeayea,laugh all you know it s' a bit loser but yea.hahas.I dont even know why I got lost for.hahas.Any way,VV55 repeated FULL HOUSE today! oh my! I was darn happy cause that show has RAIN! AHHH! since the topic is on RAIN, i shall elaborate recently found out that I had a HUGE liking for RAIN.HE S' LIKE DARN HOT.hahas.and cute .cause of his small eyes.but his BOD is hot.hahas.I will be posting up pics.ENJOY(: LOVE HIM.LOL!
specially enlarge love him!<3
5:46 AM
Friday, August 25, 2006
Average day with an average learnt quite a few things today.During CME,we watched MEANS GIRLS though I watched that I thousand times on HBO but I think the lesson that we learnt from there today was uesful.Its like, I just realsied that being mean to someone does not actually makes your life any better.Condemning someone does not makes you feel a better person.And despising someone for whatever wrong they had done most certainly does NOT make you feel a more righteous person.Therefore,I would really like to extend my sincere apologies to those who I have actually made fun of and called them names.Then comes band.I was not really feeling happy todaya nd we just just had to tried out a depressing piece called LOCH s' a nice piece but its so not the piece for me today.hahas.Since I was feeling down, I could actually played that piece nicely cause I was sad and I was kinda of pouring my mood into my trumpet.Poor trumpet.Fret not, I love you,and I was still thinking that we would do Virginia today cause Virginia is like a sorta of ACTIVE song and not so dead and I can actually channel ALL my whatever so ever into it.It would be a much better piece to play for my mood.hahas.And this paragraph is for the LOVELY group people that BOUGHT me the CATCHING TALES CD(: sorry, could not list you people out but fret not, I LOVE YOU BUNCH TONNES(: thanks for the CD once again.Gosh,Teacher s' day rehearsal was SO SO tiring.Though I did not do much, I still feel so dead.haha.Hearing Jamie Cullum MY YARD really calms me down to teacher s' day,the sec 2s SAC idols are actually going to sing PCD BUTTONS???!!!lol.I was kinda of shocked cause the song is like anti-climax and its not really a good song to pick or sing.hahas.GOSH, my JAMIE CULLUM DVD is like so NOT working.AH! please tell me I m' so NOT living in a state of
7:15 AM
Friday, August 18, 2006
It s'been a while since I blogged.Many things happended lately.Pleasant and unpleasant stuff.Let me just do a write up for my week.Brace yourselves people.It gonna be a LONG the way, the previous entry is not typed by me.It s' by my dearest friend NG ASHLEY.She invaded my blog.HAHAS(:MONDAY:School was okay.Got back something but I dont know what it band was the MOST intereasting part of the day.Surprising?yes I was like this.Brass and Woodwinds were kinda of like competing who can play better for the pirates part and it turns out that BRASS was BETTER! hahas.Then brass was kinda of like asking woodwinds to quiet and was damn hilarious.But guess what?This competition has its GOOD side will find out later.TUESDAY:MY BIRTHDAY!! HAHAS.Came to school feeling a lil bit cheery.I m really touched by all what you people had done for me.Will have a SPECIAL note for you people at the end of this entry.So, anyway,school was fine ALL the way EXCEPT for CHINESE. I vowed that the CHINESE teacher is darn hell bias towards me.People like Elizabeth Chin was like sleeping DIRECTLY under her nose and she dont scold whereas I just bend down my head to pick something and she ACCUSED me of SLEEPING! Like,what s' this ?so EFFING annoying please.After chinese,went to parkway with nat,teresa,nicole,sandra,khai theng,genevieve,audrey and cindy to celebrate my birthday.Was really really TOUCHED by all or what they had LOADS(:You people really made my birthday special.OH.and a HUGE thanks to NAT ENG for the SLUT/VIRGIN bubble NECKLACE.really love day.Nothing much happen except we got back our graded assingment.I got a wowing 43/50 for my m like DARN amazed with after recess,the drama sets in.Joseph and Miss tan was like raiding our class like police officers raiding in this sleazy nightclub place for drugs.All thanks to 2/5 who had one of their classmates that lost her stuff during pe and our class happened to have the same P.E slot as them.sheesh.I feel rather disturbed at that time as I was thinking,HOW CAN THEY DOUBT OUR INTERGRITY?Seriously, I dont wish to critisize or anything but I have to say these,the methods our school emplyed to ahndle such theft cases are ATROCIOUS.I m not going to bother about who reads this but seriously that s' a hell darn true fact.Got back our report cards too.Didnt really do THAT much happen but feel lil bit had nothing to blog about school except for what I saw during CME.I m not going to say it here but just want to say that dont feel cant' really express myself through OPENLY.hahas.Thtne comes BAND.oH was like FUN tosday.hahas.I dont know why but yea.hahas.Practised Virginia for sectionals and I SO SO SO HAVE TO PERFECT THAT BAR 73! ARGH! I REALLY WANT TO PLAY WELL! But it like so difficult.OH MAN LA.Then it was pirates during the competition we had HELP tonnes.Cause we are like experts at BAR 71 of that for percussion.hahas.Looks like fighting helps.hahas.SIGN. It sucks to know that you posses the ability to do well but did not do it.I felt so mixed when I got back my report card.I know I should feel happy for my Enlgish but my math is like deproving.which is not good.and according to Miss Masura,only 6 people is being promoted based on our term 3 results.The figures really do scare me.ALOT.I know I have been telling myslef FOCUS,FOCUS.but nothing seems to work.Though I failed like 4 tests but its already enough to kill me or rather,to let the guilt in me gripped on me.I know I have to juggle time between band and all but its like I want to be devoted to my instrument but at the same time to my studioes too.I seriously dont want to neglect my music and concentrate so much on my stuides that I start producing music are meant for the deaf.Its like,each time I pick up my instrument,I feel this sudden urge to play out melodious music.Though these words,"I HATE BAND" kept hanging on my lips,but deep down inside,there a inner desire to perfect my piece.That I cant' really REALLy need help desperately for my time management.This cannot be going on FOREVER.=(NOTE OF THANKS:THANK YOU NATALIE KOH,for everything(:THANK YOU,SANDRA for the chocolate and coming(:THANK YOU,TERESA and NICOLE,for coming(:THANK YOU AUDREY,for comingTHANK YOU CINDY, for comingTHANK YOU KHAI THENG,for comingTHANK YOU GENEVIEVE, for comingand last but NOT the least,THANK YOU NATENG,for the slut and virgin PRESENT.really LOVE it tonnes(:THANK YOU ALL THOSE THAT CELEBRATED WITH ME ON TUESDAY AND FOR THE CAKE TOO.REALLY APPRECIATE ALL YOUR EFFORTS(: LOVE YOU PEOPLE LOADS(:<3
7:09 AM
I have an huge urge to blog things out now .
Today simply suck .
I dont know whats going on .
Why did god pulled us SO CLOSE .
And then apart . ?
After reading that horrible chunk of monstrous words .
i broke down .
i tried so hard to control myself .
it didnt help .
we were NEVER like that in the past .
Frankly saying : i really didnt meant what i wrote .
i was just too upset .
im sorry ok .
i really regretted . you meant a lot to me .
im serious .
Time is just straining us more distant from one another .
im really afraid . Afraid that we will have NO MORE CHANCE to talk to each
other . Her o levels are coming . she will be damn busy . who am i to her .
She have her other friends .
sometimes i even wonder if she remembers evey detail that had happened .
i feel that im losing my sister . do you know how much reliant i am to her .
I dont wanna be .
That suck .
what can i do .
I broke down wheni was packing my bag . wet Aunty minah's blouse .
i squatted down and burst out like i balloon exploding .
for asking if im ok .
i feel so unlike myself today .
i feel weird . i had never felt this way since a THOUSAND uears ago .
i went for band after that .
played so damn hard on my FAV DEJEMBE . till my hands were sore .
i just wacked it. i didnt played .
To my DEJEMBE : sorry .
will make it up to you . want choc or ice-cream ?
After that , seriously . felt much much better .
vented my emotions on my baby . haha .
ok . im finally laughing . thats good right . [:
im sorry . can make it after sch on mon and tue .
i got rehearsal .
how .
you guys go ahead . i feel mean .
ok . what does that mean . ASHLEY NG'S nice .
hahh . shall end off here .
god bless me that i will be better tmr . haha .
this's really LONG ,
6:39 AM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Oh man.Yesterday was so NOT fine.It was like so sucky and all.First of all, I did not even know anything about the E.math test.When I looked at the FIRST question, I m like DAMN! how do you solve?sign. I have NO confidence of passing this CIRCLES test.Though the questions looked simple,its' actually the difficult one.Overall,test was manageble but unpredictable.Pardon me if it sounds contradicting or confusing to you people.
Highlight of yesterday was during Social Stuides lesson.Miss Lim was apparently in a TERRIBLE mood.and the credits goes to 3/,she came in for SS and she started shouting at the top of her lungs when she realised that almost 3/4 of the class did not complete her work.and the whole hulabaloo started.The funny part is this,when she was like scolding us till theres' no tomorrow,the weather took a sudden change from a CHEERY bright sunny sun to a DULL heavy dooming raining cloud.SO,what does this change actually suppose to mean?hmmm.Was it conincidental that the weather changed when Social Stuides period was about to start?lol.
After a TEDIOUS day at school,comes much happen cause De Hamel didnt come.Did abit of sectionals here and there.Then it was a short combine.Tried out pirates as a whole band.Apparently,it did not sound home quite early.And I realised that I talk in semi-concious state.That s' like scary.I realised my condition yesterday when I was on the phone with sandra.The time was like in wee hours and she was blabbering to me something which I dont know.Then she ask me and I replied her" Its in your car."and the next thing I knew she went "what car?"lol.Turns out that I was talking to her when I was having this dreams about CARS.I dont even know why in the world am I dreaming about was something shocking she told me.There had been an increase in butches in Singapore.THEREFORE, I plan to study hard now and earns LOTS of cash so that I am able to go SPAIN and marry a HOT plus RICH husband.Since staying in Singapore have no future for my marriage.LOL! No worries, I am a patriotic citizen.So, I will marry in SPAIN and come back to live in Singapore.hahas.
Thursday was the Clique third outing.Went to meet at raffles city to meet the rest with nat.haha.cabbed down with her to raffles.hahas.Thanks nat(: but,we were the latest to arrive.hahas.Then FINALLY, I watched LAKE HOUSE.It was a pretty nice movie.I teared at some sad parts of the movie.hahas.OHOH.and I think keanu reeves looked quite good looking in the movie.hahas.After outing with them,went back to city hall to meet my mum for dinner at miss that place SO SO very much.hahas.It s' been eons since I dine there.Back to MARCHE, I ate the ROSTI plus Ice cream with brownie.It was so nice but I feel bloated after eating it.hahas.Guess the gym is the place to go for the following month.lols.Cabbed home cause I was really feeling very tired and all.OHOH.and I realised that Orchard has places that sell nice to get them as soon as I save up enough ching-chings(:
I realised that I been lagging in my Academics.I think I should be more on task and learn how to prioritise my stuff.Moreover,there would soon be saturday practices in the morning to prepare us for Hawaii.With the saturday practices,things are sure going to be real cramped up.Caused band is like so going to robbed off my time for tuition and revising for all that.Very soon, I think I will just die.hahas.May be planning a timetable would help.sign,the thing is, I dont follow time,BIG NEWS: MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING SOON.HAHAS.ITS ONLY THREE MORE DAYS TILL I TURN 15! YAY FOR ME! no LONGER 14!.hahas.Sing, I think my birthday is like going to be dead.Cause I have the same recess as some class that is AWFULLY DISGUSTING.and what s' more,tuesdays are always ALWAYS draggy.Oh wells, I shall wait till tuesday then I see how.sign.It aint gonna be good.=(SANDRA WANG! our convo yesterday is PRIVATE! hahas.keep a LOW profile about it kay? you(:
4:45 AM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Yesterday was not exactly a pleasant day.I shall elaborate but not going into DEEP details.Band was fine cause I just went back to teach the sec1s.And gosh,the talk about HAWAII yesterday really stirs up the excitement among all of like we want march to faster come decided to save up my CHING-CHINGS for hawaii ultimate shopping spree(:Heard that the branded stuff there is much cheaper than band,went for dinner as usual but not going to talk about that for so much.All I can say now is that I m worried thats' all.
Sports carnival today was just plain retarded.Reached school today at like 6am!! Its like, I m' not even half the damn bloody bus was late.So the percussionists were like saying that their instrument would arrive earlier than them.hahas.After playing for morning assembly,started slacking around and was cam-whoring most of the time.hahas.Played abit of the songs then it was back to school.I skipped my activity this year.haha.After sports carnival, headed down to Plaza Singapura for Gelare.Once again, I felt cheated by should learn how to eat smart next time at Gelare.Ate then walked around.Managed to help eunice find a nice shirt.Shopping with that woman can REALLY help you lose was home from a long 65 bus ride(: slept through the WHOLE entire journey.haha.K, nothing much to say except that my mission to stay up late night yesterday FAILED! better keep those secrets to yourself(: shusssh!Our convo is private and confidential(:
5:02 AM
Saturday, August 05, 2006
CHEERS for being a saturday I missed school for two days this week but I heard its been rather boring and draggy cause many of our subject teachers did not come.I bet they are sick like its a saturday, I shall do a review of my week.Let s' skipped monday and tuesday caused I did not attend school.WEDNESDAY:Nothing much happened except that we had band rehearsal with the guides for NDP.OH MY TIAN.I assure you its DAMN tiring and HOT.I was so desperate that I cliped my hair like some fashion disaster.LOL.I will be posting up the pictures later.THURSDAY:I got scolded by A.lim in the I think she s' getting rather irritated by the fact that many of our class council memebers are late for her lesson.and apparently, being the unlucky me, I arrived the latest for her was like about to step in when she went" STOP THERE!,where did you come from?" then she proceeded to scold saying like,we have so many councils and all that.While she was listing the WHOLE long list of councils in an INTENSE tone plus voice,she suddenly paused half way and asked me"Which council are you from?"After replying her POLITELY, she continues to prattle on about the long list of councils and so was DAMN anti-climax when she asked me which council am I tuitorial is just plain boring.I was falling comes BAND.It was REALLY bad.I think I should not blog about it here but I guess I should just let the matter rest.I shall just forgive her for doing that.I guessed she just stressed.FRIDAY:MY MOST FAVOURITE DAY!lol.I always feel relax on fridays.I shall just blog about LIT cause it seems to be the most interesting lesson of the day,aside from A.math.LOL.Anyway, during lit class,we,have the honour of learning the TRUE meaning of the word,F***.This word is actually an ACRONYM used in the past.It actually stands for Fornicate Under the Consent of the King.In laymen s' term,it means you have to seek the permission of the king if you want to fornicate with your husband.Cause in the past,it was said that ALL females are the kings' common swear word actually have such profound history behind on to A.math, I think SOME people in my class are just plain annoying and irritaing.People like sukanyaa.We got back our A.math straight line graph and I failed.And her reaction was like"OH MY GOD! YOU FAILED??"that kind of thing.then she gave a fake smile and said this to me."I beat you by ONE mark,but sigh, i still FAIL."Like what kind of crap is this?and she just DIE DIE also want to beat me in this test.Cause later, I found out that my paper got marking errors so I went to changed my marks and now its the same as Sukanyaa s' marks.AND, seeing that I got the same marks as her, she DESPERATELY went to PLEAD mr poh to give her at LEAST ONE MORE PATHETIC MARK.WHY? JUST TO BEAT ME! LIKE WHAT THE HELL LA? DO i even LOOK like I care if she beats me that kind of thing?Since she is SO determined to beat me, I have no choice but to BEAT her as FLAT as possible in the NEXT A.math TEST.HANDS down.Though its kinda of like competitive but I just cant' stand it when people just goes"HUH?! YOU FAILED?? WHY??"that kind of thing.Especially for A.math.After I passed mid-years, it seems that everyone expected me to top for every A.maths test.Please la, I am NOT a genius ok?so even if i fail,I dont see the reason why any of them to should give that APALLED jaw-dropping look to me.Band was surprisingly nice yesterday.LOL.we FINALLY tried PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN.Though it was like the easier version, I found it quite okaya nd I think i LACK that feeling to make it sound better.haha.I need that FEELING,the feeling to move to my music while playing.According to audrey,if you move while playing,move as in NATURAL move,the music that comes out from the valve will sound melodious as this shows that you are really enjoying and getting the flow of the song in your body and mind.I gogint o master that technic think its just so cool.haha.After band, went dinner with sandra.I was supposed to treat her ICE-CREAM.loland i did.haha.OHOH.NEVER ever go gelare man.DAMN bloody cheapskate.Cause yesterday, we ordered the chocolate chip waffle,then the girl told me that WHIP CREAM PLUS MANGO topping is for FREE.I wanted to take that but i think the mango would not go with our waffle so I took the chocolate syrup plus whip creamn combo,thinking that it was also free.BUT NOO.GUESS WHAT?when the bloody receipt came,THE BLOODY CHOCOLATE SYRUP CAUSED A BLOODY 80 CENTS.WHEN I CAN LIKE GO DOWN AND GET A BOTTLE AND PUT IT FOR LIKE FREE???it like as though their chocolate syrup is MADE of irritaing PLUS annoying.Whats' worse is that singaporeans could really be inconsiderate.Cuase gelar was full house then got this couple occpied a table of four with that stupid woman handbag.I was kinda of turn-off by that behaviour but feeling so desperate to sit down,I walked up and politely asked if she could removed her handbag.Thanks heavens she,you OUGHT to thank me for THAT home rather late last night and I just have to say this about CLINICS.DAMN annoying man.I was so irritated by the clinic when I went to visit the doctor on monday.My conclusion for clinics is this,they have SICK and PSYCOTIC patients.I m' serious.Cause my number was 21 and THAT time, the doctor was attending patient number 4! So you can pretty guessed that I sat there for like 1 hour 15 minutes doing such a LONG wait and with PSYCOTIC patients surrounding you,its no surprise that I have turned into a psycothic and sick patient.I got so bored till I ended up playing with an umbrella.See what I meant? lol.I think I am NEVER ever gonna step into that clinic again.OH wells, this have beena rather long fingers are aching already.should start on my minutes.Enjoy reading this(: By the way, I m' removing the passcode for this moment.But,there is high possibilty that it might be back up.(:
3:53 AM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Its not like me to blog on a week day but I feel an urge too so yea.First of all, I am really sorry for shifting so many times like a nomad.cause SOME people from my class has apparently been reading my blog and gossiping about yea.My reason for passcoding is because I do not want these people to read.cause I dont like them.haha.
Anyway, I AM SICK.haha.Its pretty scary you knwo.Practically everyone I know is like sick.I did not go to school for like TWO days?lol.Anyway, I will continues more on that on saturday.Need to go pack my bag le.haha.nights(:
6:42 AM