Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I have many things to say today but i think i should just summarize them in order to make it easier for you people out there to read.1. I HAD A HAIRCUT.Its not THAT bad actually.i mean, yea, its short but i knida of liked it.haha.though i expect some El meanos to laugh it but heck.haha.It actually kinda cool to have the wind brushing pass the back of your neck.haha.Oh,a dn i DO get many kinda of reaction from people i know.haha.2.BALLON HAT REHEARSAL.Ok, i have nothing much to say about thisBUT after reading audrey s' blog, i feel ashamed and guilty of myself for being one of those people who cares about their faces and also, not being in the mood.sorry.I mean, afterall, what she said DOES make lots of sense.its because we cared a little TOO much about our pride thtas; why we ended up looking like spastic fools.The other bands infront did spastic stuff but on the whole, they look absoulutely FANTASTIC.whereas for us, we are just like the SJI this year. and seriously, it suckes.It not only embaressing but also humiliating. It already bad enough to actually call those marches"dance" steps and playing ONE stupid song ALL the way when you are required to play like 3 songs.anyway, yyou get my point so yea.haha.3. I HAVE AN AMATUER PERSON IRRITATING ME NOW.Ok, she is some one who is QUITE close to me.But, at the current moment.i feel pissed and irritated.4.ON REQUEST:I KNOW ASHLEY NG LOVES ME . BUT SHE SOMEHOW JUST LOVES TO DENY IT.HAHA(:Ok, thats' all.enjoy reading it.sorry for not updating the past few days.
6:44 AM
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Apparently,it seems to me that EVERY sec3 right now, is suffering from emotional breakdown cause of their poor results.Ok, dont get me wrong here course Im not one those people.Wells, my advice or remedy to these people are that, instead of blaming yourself like the world s' greatest offender,why not TRY to think of way on how to improve your results for the follwing term? I mean, the holidays are NOT for you to moan/cry/grumble or whatsoever.Its' for you to BUCK up and see what ares/subjects you need to spend more time with.Also, its' for you to get REALLY engage in your text/books. I mean, some may say that they are not me but, i will just like everyone to know that we have to handle such things in a logical and mature way.Yes, my parents DO nagged at me about my results but i dont; give a damn course its not as if their oh-so wonderful nagging will pull my results up or what. Dont let their nagging get you down.Instead, let their nagging be a form of encouragements.But, of course, all work and no play makes sally a dull girl.So, my recommedation for the ultimante stress reliever/depressed reliever is to go SHOPPING(GREAT SINGAPORE SALE) or PAMPER yourself with nice food like NYDC.(: sure, you will put on those pesky weight but hey, at least you get to feel good right?and those pesky kilos will be gone when we are using our brain juices for revision.HAHA. Well, thats; all i ahve to say.Before i go, Just want to tell those people who are feeling upset this, ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE AND ALSO STAY GLAM AND PRETTY ALWAYS.CAUSE ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD YET(:
2:06 AM
Saturday, May 27, 2006
OH MAN. I JUST FOUND OUT THAT SAC TEACHERS ACTUALLY READ BLOGS.which is kinda of a bo liao thing to do for a teacher.I mean, dont' get me wrong.Course i just personally feel that teachers should spend their time marking our work rather than reading our blogs and getting all upset/pissed.sheesh.Anyway, Edulearn is SO darn spastic please.I mean, i dont even understand a SINGLE thing of the homework given to me.The SS one made no sense.E.maths,oh boy,ONE WORD:KILLER.Lit have not been posted yet.English one was alright.Which reminds me, i have to take my books from the locker on tuesday.My holidays are so robbed by CCA! *cries* At least tuitorials isnt THAT bad.Results was out yesterday.A couple of Cs and 1 B.haha.How pathetic is that?VERY.haha.But nevertheless, i PROMISED myself i will excel in EOYs.My L1R4 and L1R5 is NOT fabulous at, as what gen said, I shall not post it up here to lose face.If you are dying to know,ask me personally.otherwise,go away.(: lols.My position in both class and level too.I think im putting on weight day by day.I ve' been on a eating spree lately.From Kenny Rogers' to NYDC.hmm.lols. i SERIOSULY miss NYDC s' word to describe it.HEAVENLY.haha.You people should seriously go TRY it one day.Trust me.its REAL nice.melts down to your heart.My plans for the hoilday: to be an ULTRA nerd like boon khee(oops).HAHAS.ok, im mean.but seriously, with THAT amount of homework plus CCA robbing our OH-SO-PRECIOUS time, I seems to haven no choice but to saty home like a nerd and spent time with my books.haha.I think i might end up in woodbrige for excessive studying OR in CGH for "brain constipation". Thats' the NEW type of illness im suferring from now.It happens when a person try to cramp everything single thing into his/her brain and the system got jammed.resulting you to enter in servere moodswings and going all high.No worries.Consequences of such illness is not serious.At most, when the person is suffering from breakdown, he/she will take a chopper and kill the person he/she DETEST the most.Side effects and 100% full recovery are not promised after taking medication.People like JDH, please WATCH your back.course you are ONE of those people whom i DETEST the most.(:I think i said off i go to read my MACBETH text.hahas.What did i say again about being a TRUE bona fide NERD?(:
5:06 AM
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
OH MY GOSH! CAN YOU PEOPLE BELIEVE IT??TOMORROW IS LIKE THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! AND GUESS WHAT?WHEN EVERYONE GOES"WHOO HOO.LAST DAY OF SCHOOL.IM GOING OUT!!YES!! WHERE YOU GOING?" MY OH-SO-PATHETIC REPLY"WHOO HOO.LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! IM GOING FOR CCA.WANT TO COME?" ITS LIKE HOW LOSER IT IS TO SAY THAT??THE ANSWER:EXTREMLY! I serisouly DONT WANT to spend my last day of school STILL staying back for CCA please.its like so literally.SIGN.Whats'w orse is that the bloody ballon hat festival VENUE was changed FROM SILOSO beach TO PALAWAN beach!! ARGH-NESS MAN.I WAS SO DARN HAPPY WHEN IT WAS ON SILOSO BEACH.WHY? cause the SEVENTEEN SUMMER HUNK WILL BE THERE!!AND I WANT TO SEE THEM!!OH MAN.its like total sadness now.I cant get to see my cute guy!=( RAH! My upcoming holidays does not even feel like a holiday.Its' like TOTALLY jam-packed.with tutorials plus CCA.Anyway, i cant' think of any thing to say i shall vanish now.(:
4:38 AM
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Day was average.Nothing much happen.Got back english papers. I PASSED(:. U nfortunately, i failed my E.maths like crap.First time so i was kinda of pretty upset.Anyway, Band was relatively fine yesterday.Just that i got to face some bitches in my section.Taught the juniors a bit.Clapped till my hands were aching sore. Cabbed home after that.OH.Did i mentioned that 3.8 was a very violent class? lols.and i mean it.Had our match yesterday with them and i swear,theya re the most violent batch of players i ever seen.I was traumatised by all the banging and much for a friendly match.lols.Got back my phone bill.Pleased with the beautiful digits of below $50.lols. ohwell, so much for today and yesterday.sorry for the short entry.kinda of lost my inspiration,so yea.(:
5:24 AM
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Shall just a brief summary of my day.-GOT back A.maths paper.was horrible though i passed.just manged to scrape through.-Slack thru the whole day at class.-Bio was bad.results are dissapointing.- Geog still unknown.-Band photo-taking tomorrow.BLEAH!ok,that s' all.ciao.=)
4:39 AM
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
My week have not been fine lately.In fact, it sucks.been hearing lots of negative ever since yesterday.First of all, my results for MYE.Heard that NONE of our class passed A.maths.and that is damn frightful.Could tell that A.poh was rather dissapointed with us ,given the tone he used on us yesterday.Perharps, we really did NOT put in our best.Got back our CA marks too.a B3 grade for both E.and A .maths.5 in class for e.maths. Dont ' know if its a good or bad thing.Lit was not that well too.And 9 people failed physics.Forget it, amanda , you can just go die course i know i screwed up ALL badly.even my maths.To make things worse, I just learn that im the damn SL for my section.It not that i am not happy or what.I just feel inferior to the position.course i know im unable to make the section crapped them up,yes,im capable of lead them,i dont' think so.Furthermore, Sl have to always be the one getting WTH man.and im having a problem deciding on the ASL.I think i might be subjective.Anyway,Bad stuff aside.Went out with Audrey,Eunice and Clarissa.Weelyn joined us later.Watched POISEDON.AND,THE CHARACTER,DYLAN IS MY HERO.HE IS DAMN HOT AND GOOD-LOOKING.WHATS' MORE, HE IS THE HERO OF THE SHOW!LOLS.the show is really suspending man.its like you dont'know what gogint o happen next or who is the next persont hat is going to perish.The funny thing is that im still able to laugh at anyone who is going to die.lols.OH YES.nad photo-taking was horrible. im just going to embaressed myself in the yearbook.oh well,so muhc for today.OH and weelyn oh,WOULD YOU KINDLY PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM MY FILE?I DO NOT WISH MY PICTURES TO BE JEOPARDIESED.LOLS.KEEP AWAY.OR ELSE.=) 2 more months people.
6:50 AM
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Ok.I here just to say i got my lifelong wish,which is an MP3.lols. OHOH and my main motice for today blogging are these pictures.See and enjoy.Please do not grab it.lols.=)
Ok,dont ask me what those transparent words are.lols.
Ok,the middle guy is eric aka my husband.lols.hes'MINE.
Thats' all.hope you people enjoyed it.i know you do.lols.anyway, i got go starting to get my remedy ready=)
5:46 AM
Friday, May 12, 2006
OH MAN! PEOPLE.LISTEN TO THIS.BREAKING NEWS OF THE CENTUARY!ME,AMANDA KHOO GEK LING,IS GOING TO GET AM MP3 TOMORROW!AHHH!.oh man.i am so darn happy,wait,im euphoric.lols.ok,shall not be so chiam.anyway,let me summarize my day for you.THURSDAY:had a clique was damn fun.course we were making a fool out of ourselves 90% of the time.Then we started taking reflection pictures in those high class posh toilets that marina square has.lols. actually, wasnt' THAT high class.its only the huge mirror they had is around till my feet were actually cramped then went home after a tiring day.lols.Overall, we did had 100% of FUN-NESS.lolsFRIDAY:Went to nat s' house today.Watched JUST LIKE HEAVEN and half of that horror show, THREE.lols. most of us were either screaming or laughing. Audrey liaw kept molesting my bag.lols.OHOH.and GUESS WHAT? I FOUND THIS REAL POSER.WHO ALSO LIKES CLICK FIVE.WHAT THE HELL MAN!lols.ok.i shall give this person a piece of my mind if she DARES to act like as thouhg she is some kind of HUGE click five fan.LOLS.shall wait on monday.sianzz.monday start CCA le.argh-NESSS.=((
7:16 AM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
YES!EXAMS ARE FINALLY OFFICIALLY O-V-E-R! I REPEAT EXAMS ARE O-V-E-R! feeling estactic now.lols. n the ONE and ONLY way to enjoy myself is put my click five records on and add it up wiht a facial mask.lols. i think i have to arrange for a facial appointment soon.the pimple outbreak im suffering is getting worse.OHOH. and also, how can i EVER forget shopping!! my mum s' going to be broke by the time mother s' day have even arrived.Since its been quite awhile that i have touched this blog, let me dust abit and pardon me for my LONG entry.First of all, EXAMS. YES! i know they are over BUT that was ONE tough battle fought.all my papers(i think) are screwed up badly.I cant' think of one subject which i have confidence to pass.let me say why.MATHS.ELEMENTRY.3/4 of the bloody paper was ALL sec 2 work.Unfortunately, i kinda of lyk stored my sec2 under the antique section.So in other words, i did NOT touch or revise my sec2 work.which of course a HUGE disadvantage.course i DO not know what it is about. ADDITIONAL.paper was erm, fine(i think) again.i hvae NO comment.lols.LANGUAGE,forget it that is one papaer i dont have confidence of passing it.HUMANS,erm,realatively bad.SCIENCE, i DO have that bit of confidence in passing BIO but NOT physics.hell,everyone knows my physics sucks like crap. Additional information: It is SERIOSULY a HORRIBLE idea to get an INVIGILATOR who smells like rotten tuna.Seriosuly, he stinks.N to make matters worse, HE has this bloody habit of walking up and dwon MY row and DSITRACTING EVERY ONE PLUS KILLING EVERY ONE WITH HIS ROTTEN TUNA STENCH.Seriously, I was so TEMTPTED to write a note saying,STOP WALKING,YOU STINK!So being desperate, i stuck out my foot, hoping to trip him so that he would stop walking.BUt no, he continued despite my foot obstructing his red carpet way.its like WTH. yea, that was about exams.NOW, for my CCA.been blog hopping seeing quite a handful saying they missed band.WELL, let me tell you.I DONT.N LET ME SAY THIS: LIFE S' GOOD WITHOUT BAND. IM like enjoying EVERY single MOMENT of coming HOME ealry.LIKE REAL EALRY.on mondays, i DONT REACH HOME AT 2.15.n I LOVE the feeling of an afternoon nap.To me,its a blessing to take an afternoon nap.Secondly, i THINK its retarded to set up an alumni BAND.i mean, who would want to waste 3 hours sitting there doing nothing except playing that bloody instrument whne you can spent that 3 hours outside working and earning money to buy your desires.wiht the exception of JDH, being the idiot who wastes his time calling ppl fakes when he himself is a TRUE imitation crap.Lastly, MY CLICK FIVE.lols. its seems that THEY hvae invaded my taggie.lols. OH MAN.I JUST WANT MORE OF THEM. I recently wathced this thing called MTV all access:THE CLICK FIVE.n I just found out that JOEY is ultra cute whereas ERIC is EXTREAMLY cute and his accent is SOOO SMOOTH AND SEXY!Plus, THYE BOTH HAVE A SIX PACK ABDOMEN.OH MAN.TOTAL HOTNESS.lols. this was distracting me when i was studying for my geography. lols.well, what more can i say?I LOVE THE CLICK FIVE ,I LOVE ERIC AND JOEY<33333.they>
4:25 AM